As a female, being compared to other women on social media causes the stress of thinking that all women have to have this perfect curvature, no makeup, and “perfect”. Over the course of time, women have been compared to each other, and just through social media, but in society as well. When walking through the streets while people are telling you that you’re not good enough nor fit for the world. This pressures women to change their appearance for society’s needs and pleasures, which can lead them to becoming mentally unstable and lose themselves in the process.
Why categorize girls based on what they look like? Yes, women come in different shapes, structures, and colors. Even though we look different, in a way we are the same: we’ve all had the struggle of society constantly judging you based on what you look like and how you are perceived on social media. Yet this has happened over the years, before social media:
Throughout the years, women have always been seen to have big breasts, an hourglass figure, and a full butt when all women don’t look the same, and that’s okay! Not all women have big breasts, an hourglass figure, and a full butt, some have more meat on their bones than others or have a smaller butt and breasts than others. Own the body that you have. Social media isn’t made to insult who you are by comparing you to other girls or make you feel that you need to change yourself for society, but to guide you to be this confident, gorgeous woman that you are set out to be.
What is the point for society to make you this perfect woman? What is a perfect woman? Who is a perfect woman? There is no such thing! There is no need to hide the wrinkles, the arm hair, leg hair. Keep your leg hair if you want! If someone tries to stop you, take that toxicity out of your life and throw it in the trash because that is not true. Throughout the years some women didn’t care what others thought:
In the society of men, toxic masculinity can affect women into being this perfect Barbie so that all the men could be happy with this hairless, big boob, hourglass figure, which causes girls to change themself for a man won’t care enough about them that they will probably leave her for another to repeat the same cycle all over again. Now I am not saying that you can’t get botox, or have plastic surgery, or not shave, my point is appreciate yourself and do what makes YOU happy, not if it makes others happy. Do you because society’s opinions don’t matter.
Image by Gemma Chua-Tran from Unsplash
In conclusion, society doesn’t determine how you rule your life, only you can. You don’t have to be seen as this perfect Barbie doll, you can be a tomboy, Bratz doll, a fairy, or even a superhero. There is no need for society to tell you what sits right with the world or themselves. Men don’t control how you dress or how much hair is on your body, you do what makes you happy and comfortable. Never let anyone tell you what is right or wrong because whatever you do is perfect!